Mugs for Founding Members
Jeannie Teisberg, a founding member, created mugs to thank each fellow founding board member of the Friends of the Madeline Island Museum and challenged them to find the “chewed-off-by-beaver” artifact in the Museum that is featured on the mug. She included the following note of thanks with her challenge to each mug recipient:
“In deep appreciation to you for creating the Friends of the Madeline Island Museum to sustain the Capser legacy by keeping an eye on the Museum, I made a mug for you. The mug depicts the Museum’s artifact, a little piece of wood chewed off by a beaver. As they often did, the Capsers chose an artifact to tell the broader story of how the natural beauty of the Island finds echoes in its human history. The exhibit including a beaver and a stick he chewed was one of the first donations to the Museum; it is in the fur trade room and represents both the fur trade and its contribution to the Island’s history.
See if you can find the chewed-off-by-beaver piece on your mug!”