Members History Popup: Bella, Malcolm Lein and the 1990–91 Museum Addition

This popup held in Malcom Lein’s island home (now Eric & Laurel Lein’s home), featured stories by the architect Thomas Blanck, remembering Bella Capser and explaining how the addition was designed and built. A highlight was a look at Blanck’s original drawings! We also got a look at the booklet (see below) commemorating the preview opening of the new addition: The Capser Center. And a tour of the Lein home, a 1930’s fabricated home consisting of sections, multiples of 3 feet, that are held together with bolts and wing nuts! Keep scrolling to view the videos of the presentation.

Click an image to view an enlarged slideshow…

Book Commemorating the Preview Opening of the Capser Center.

Click arrows to view the book pages…


First video.

Second video.

Third video.

Fourth video.

Fifth video.


2024 Annual Meeting


Members History Popup: Stories of Bella and Leo Capser and the Early Museum